Taxi Driver Struggles Continue

£50 in a ‘good day’ – Scotland’s taxi driver struggles continue

Some disturbing news came out last week, with a Unite Scotland survey of our 200 taxi drivers across Scotland confirming the hardship many drivers are facing.

The headline figure as reported in TaxiPoint of “£50 in a good day” would be worrying enough but when coupled with those days now stretching into 16 and 17 hours, the situation is clearly alarming.

Main findings from the survey show 30% of drivers have been unable to access any financial help from government support schemes.

Meanwhile, the story is far from rosy, even for those that have been able to access financial help from the government:

·      37% report that it represents less than 25% of their average earnings.

·      18% report that it represents between 25% – 50% of their average earnings.

·      20% report that it represents between 50% – 75% of their average earnings.

·      25% report that it represents over 75% of average earnings.


Pat Rafferty, Unite Scottish Secretary, said;

“The stories shared by taxi drivers in our survey is heartbreaking and clearly shows a trade in crisis.

The reality is behind the figures there are workers and families across Scotland who are in despair.

Taxi drivers are reporting on average around an 80 per cent income reduction with nearly a third having been unable to access any government financial assistance.

With lockdowns continuing across the nation during what is traditionally the busiest time of the year at Christmas and New Year it’s clear that greater support is urgently needed.”

Without wishing to get involved in politics, it is clear these self-employed professional drivers require assistance.

As taxi driver struggles continue we want to do our bit, so we produced a free guide –

How to Save Money On Your Tax Returns

It will show you where you can make savings and get your finances in order.

For the better times that are hopefully ahead!