We’ve just updated our web-app again!
Don’t you love it when things just keep getting better?
We do!
The feedback we get from our subscribers is really our driving force.
Self-employed drivers helping us,… to help them!
The value of listening is – it kinda spurns you on to greater things.
That feedback is the foundation of the improvements we’ve made – thanks guys!
These FREE upgrades include:-
- A new ‘My Account‘ area
- A unique new tax return experience
- New software so property incomes, expenses and taxes can be calculated
My Account area
These improvements were designed to make the initial signing up even easier.
Removing any questions a particular user type doesn’t need to answer.
Users are only asked questions that are relevant to them through the introduction of this new account wizard.
The wizard learns from users’ previous answers and only presents additional questions if required.
It’s all about keeping the process clean and simple for users.
This change is in line with our goal of making usually complicated accountancy and tax filing tasks, super simple.
Tax Return Experience
Designed not so much to make the tax return easier.
But more, to make past tax returns easier to find and download.
Like your tax calculation form (SA302), needed for a mortgage or loan application and proof of income for insurance claims.
Property Income
OK, not everyone is fortunate enough to have income from a property.
But those who have can now include the income and expenses from properties within the app.
There are a lot of tax questions to complete for properties.
But the new account wizard will guide you through them.
So no need to have a separate account for these records, you can record them in your app account.
Saving you any separate accountant fee!
The Drivers Tax App gives you the tried and tested tools to take control of your own accounts and tax filing.
Helping you to rid yourself of high accountant fees.
You won’t believe how simple our software makes these usually complicated tasks.
But you will enjoy how much time and money you will save.